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Stella Hunter's Reading List

Reviewing just a few of the thousands of books on my bookshelves.


#TripleX - Christine Zolendz, Angelisa Stone Freaking hilarious!

#TripleX makes me want to take an epic road trip with my girlfriends. I'd call this the chicklit version of Dead Poets Society. Carpe diem, bitches!

As an author, I especially got a laugh out of the efforts authors go to in order to get a few likes or retweets and authors' sometimes competitive nature. However, any woman will empathize with the loss of youth, the challenges of marriage, and the effort to rediscover oneself in spite of it all.

Read it! You won't be disappointed.

A Thief in Venice

A Thief in Venice - Tara Crescent 4.5 stars!

Great chemistry. I adore how neither character tries to change the other, and I wish more authors wrote heroes/heroines like that.

A Spanking Good Christmas: A Kinky Christmas Short Story (Christmas Nights Collection)

A Spanking Good Christmas: A Kinky Christmas Short Story (Christmas Nights Collection) - Roz Lee Not my cup of tea, but well written and I'm sure many people would love it.


Barred - Paisley Walker This is a smoking hot book. Loved, loved, loved the two heroes. Where can I get me some of that?

There were a few things that took away from the book and I felt I could only give 4 stars. :( When Kimberley texts while driving, it's because she's so worried about her sick sister. But then we don't hear a peep about the sister for quite a while after that initial part. I kept wondering about it the entire time. The ending also felt a little rough and rushed to me. In spite of that, I really did enjoy the book and look forward to reading more from this author.

If you like hot menage books, my minor quibbles shouldn't dissuade you from reading this one!


Storm - Carian Cole Great debut novel from a new author! I shouldn't have waited so long to read.

In the beginning, the main character, Evelyn, was really annoying. It wasn't so much what she said or did. The problem (for me, anyway) lay in the fact that the book is written in first person (from Evelyn's POV), and the whole point of first person writing is to get closer to the main character. But in this case, I did not at all understand Evelyn until I got about a third of the way through. It was the mismatch of closeness vs. POV that messed me up.

Once I started to understand and like Evelyn, the book was great. Very hot. I liked how the author set up the next book in the series without making this book a cliffhanger. I will definitely be reading the rest of the series.

"Sometimes, the right person comes along at the wrong time, and you have to just trust fate and hope it leads you in the right direction and it all evens out."